This months lead article is The Challenger Sales Engineer - where I give six great reasons why the Sales Engineer is the perfect person in the sales team to execute on the Challenger premise. It's something that every good SE has known for a long time, but often a lack of courage, permission and corporate culture gets in the way.
Article #2 is an update to "The Stress Free Demo" and examines a dozen things the SE can do to reduce the possibility of things going wrong in 'the big demo". It's amazing how much relates to planning and preparation!
Book Of The Month is Gerry Weinberg's Becoming A Technical Leader. It's written more from an It-problem solving point of view, but has some great insights in dealing with and motivating the "techie". And there is a varying percentage of techie in every Sales Engineer.
Also - a reminder about The SE Manager Pocket Guide if you didn't download it during April, and also that I finally released my video series "The Consultative Sales Engineer".
Good Selling!